figura de neón relampaguea ante la vista de nadie. Alucina su reflejo el
lodazal portuario, mientras una marea de varones alcanza bajamar en colchones
salobres. Las aguas vivas de sus ojos se han secado varadas en lo dorado de la
malta. Y el gato negro titila y ronronea, y el crepúsculo asexuado le responde con barcos fantasmas de suspiros.
To Dylan Thomas, the bluffer. Go drunk into that dark night. Rave, rave with your self’s shadow, dance. Dance to electric, acid drums. Go drunk into that dark night alight by fluorescent wristbands. Rave against living, against dawn. Lay bare, under a dark sky, what we all are. Go to the bathroom stalls, past the raving crowd, break in line and start a fist fight. Get drunk and scarred, animal. Smile, neon bloodied, at oblivion. Rave against all lights unflickering, against all unbroken bones, against those who dance and those who don’t: be an asshole. And dance, dance electric seraph, dance, dance to acid drums.
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