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Reading stories

You think reading 
is not worth the hassle, 
but we’re made 
of them. 

The pictures you hold 
in your gloomy head 
that compose the narrative 
of your life 
and give it sense 
are a story. 

That ethereal memory, 
at the back of your eyes, 
of holding onto her 
at a day’s end 
it’s fiercely recalled 
as a story. 

How your parents met. 
How you came to be. 
How those before 
those before 
is told as a story. 

The plain anecdote. 
The stinging complaint. 
The trivial recount 
with which 
you explain yourself 
to your friends:

all things 
owe their hold 
of the soul 
to storytelling.


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To Dylan Thomas, the bluffer.   Go drunk into that dark night. Rave, rave with your self’s shadow, dance. Dance to electric, acid drums. Go drunk into that dark night alight by fluorescent wristbands. Rave against living, against dawn.   Lay bare, under a dark sky, what we all are. Go to the bathroom stalls, past the raving crowd, break in line and start a fist fight. Get drunk and  scarred, animal. Smile, neon bloodied, at oblivion. Rave against all lights unflickering, against all unbroken bones, against those who dance and those who don’t: be an asshole. And dance, dance electric seraph, dance, dance to acid drums.

Manuscript found in Lord Byron’s bookcase

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            To Percy, light upon his waterbed.     I’m the Scorpion King.   Beware, not the Camel King, nor, albeit my rattling ways, a snakish one.   My reign is a desolate wasteland which I, myself, have created. Where dumb-dumb  Ozymandiases  rust. Where mythologies go to die like an, oh so secretive, fart. Far away enough of people so they can pass quietly and unheard.   My reign is also of venom: purulent, vicious. Highly alcoholic melancholy, not of lethargic rest but instead breeder of anxious sleep, of bad poetry during late hours best served for onanistic endeavors.   ¡Behold the Scorpion King!   ¡Behold my drunkenness, ye mighty, and compare: the width of your temples to the size of my ding-dong!   Only one of them remains. Funny looking scorpion tail amidst ass and belly